Clemson University Top Questions

What do you consider the worst thing about Clemson University? Why?


The fact that only football and basketball are recognized.


There is not that many bad things about Clemson. One thing could be parking. Another is that fact there is so much going on it is hard to decide what to participate in sometimes.


I wish Clemson's campus and students were less conservative and openminded. The night Barack Obama was elected, was very intense and disappointing to me, who voted for him.


Much of Clemson's extracurricular and social opportunties are based in greek life. Because of this I feel like most of the population revolves around drinking which I am personally not interested in. The fraternities and sororities at Clemson take over and over-shadow the many other clubs we have . In comparason, when researching a new sorority or fraternity at Clemson, it is easy to find information, while trying to find information on a club or team sport is much more difficult much due to the lack of funding for on campus organizations.


Too much drinking. Go to class and learn.




Too many aprties are a big distraction to many first-year students. That first taste of freedom for many ends up being their demise. I have many friends who did'nt come back their sophomore year here on academic probation because of too much partying.


I think the worst thing about Clemson is the parking on campus. There are busses, but they tend to get a little stuffy specially between the parking lots and the center of campus


Commuter parking is the worst part, but other than that it's dificult to find worst parts about Clemson.


The worst thing about the school is the increasing tuition. Its getting to be very expensive, adn without my scholarships i would never have the opportunity to go here. every year tuition keeps raising dramatically.