University of Notre Dame Top Questions

What are the academics like at University of Notre Dame?


At Notre Dame, students are known by name rather than number. Introductory classes that are held in lecture halls incorporate small tutorial sessions into their curricula. Professors open their doors to students on a regular basis, whether it be to discuss an assignment, a career opportunity, or personal issues. Overall, the education that a student receives at Notre Dame occurs both within and beyond the classroom.


professors are generally pretty fair and definately very intelligent..unless its a large class and even sometimes in a large class professors will try to learn names of their students


The classes are very demanding, and taking 5 classes at one time can be extremely demanding. I often am very stressed to get all my work done, but the classes are very rewarding and I've grown immensely intellectually. The students are smart, but it's not a cuthroat atmosphere in terms of competition. In general, I've been a little dissapointed in how available the professors have been outside of class.


Love my classes for the most part. My anthro class is fabulous - Professor McKenna is a genius. Everyone here is really smart. My major, architecture, is hell! I have so little time to do anything. I wish i could bemore involved on campus, but i have virtually no free time.


I have been pleased with my professors so far, and I like feeling challenged to think about things in different ways. I like the learning and research atmosphere on a college campus. Everyone seems to have some area where their passion shows through. I'm looking forward to taking business classes to see if my passion comes through in them.


It seems the professors here are either fantastic or exceedingly lame. There really is no mediocre. The grad students as a whole a little hard to take sometimes. They either can barely even speak English or are on the biggest power trips of their lives. But when a professor is good, they are amazing. They will help you out in anything that you need, even if it has absolutely nothing at all to do with the class. They love to talk, but in a good way, and will give you advice whenever you need it, and sometimes even when you don't realize you even need it.


One of my favorite classes I've taken at Notre Dame was a Business Law Class, with Margot O'Brien. I'm an English and Spanish major, so Business Law was a class that I just elected to take and I'm so glad I did. I didn't know much about the class or anything about the professor, but I wanted to take a class through the Business School...I'm also thinking about attending Law School, so I figured this class would be perfect--and it was. The actual business majors in the class weren't too thrilled with our teacher and thought she was too demanding for a class that didn't necessarily help them in their future profession...but I thought she was INCREDIBLE! She knew the law inside and out. She would hand out notes for every chapter and she'd basically be able to recite EVERY detail on those sheets without having to look at them herself. I was blown away by how incredible she was as a teacher, but also how kind and funny and helpful she was outside of class. She really cared about her students and wanted us to do well. Business Law is a class I know I will never forget.


Its a bunch of smart people working together. Some majors (pre professional and others) are very competitive, but most of them are very supportive. alot of classes involve discussion, and more than 3/4 of my teachers know my name. academics go well beyond the classroom... meals, parties, or just chilling out are all valid places for intellectual discussion.


Notre Dame strives to be a research based university. For the most part, it seems to be true. The sciences are continually rising to the top as well as the college of engineering. The business school is one of the best you can find in this nation and the connections this campus can give students is often more valuable then the degree they receive. The professors really do care about the students and most are readily available. Notre Dame wants each of its students to suceed and the support system through professors and advisors is excellent. The students strive to suceed both in and out of the classroom and try to relate their talents and knowledge from class to all aspects of their lives.


Classes and Prof's are great - but extremely challenging!