University of Notre Dame Top Questions

What are the academics like at University of Notre Dame?


Before I started looking at the school, I didn't realize that it had good academics. Students generally did well in high school, but they know there's more to college than studying. Professors may think we have intellectual conversations outside of class, but it's uncommon. Notre Dame has a lot more requirements than I thought before I came here, including two philosophy and two theology classes for all majors. Students aren't overly competitive - they're more likely to work together that compete against one another, maybe with the exception of the pre-meds. There's a really strong math program for anyone who wants to go to grad school for math. There's a very rigorous proofs-based track, but there's also a more typical track.


Students are competitive but willing to genuinely help each other. in smaller classes professors know your name, conversations/ help is available outside of class. My favorite classes have been philosophy with a certain grad student because he made it non-intimidating and relatable, and 2-D design again with a grad student for the same reason, Theology because it opened so many opposing views. The requirements seem legit. I think the education is geared towards getting a job, especially well-paying so you can donate back. AND cause it costs SO much, if you dont get a great job, what was all that money and work for really? you can make yourself learn anywhere.


challening and thought-provoking. Students are intellectual and competitive but still willing to help out anyone who is struggling. There are plenty of small classes were it is easy to get to know the professor and the professor gets to know you.


most of my classes have been about 30 people in size, the classes for my major are far more interesting than my requirements, participation is very common, tons of studying, but most of that studying pays off


Professors all know my name which I was surprised in many of the larger classes. My favorite class is a discussion group-- a dialogue between Catholics and Protestants. Students study much more here than at any other school I have visited. Academics are taken seriously and it is highly competitive over all. All of the professors I have had have welcomed appointments outside of class. They are very helpful and want to see you learn and do well. I think that many departments at ND are geared toward learning but there are also those majors that are just to get that dream job.


This school is very academically challenging. The professors really want to prepare you for your future, and most students are also very driven to achieve big things in their futures. A lot of freshmen intro classes are quite large, and the professors do not get to know the students individually, but once you start having more upper level classes, you are able to develop closer relationships with faculty. Notre adame is also very big on undergradates participating in research, which allows students to form close faculty connections. Education at Notre Dame is definitely geared towards getting a job or getting into grad school. However, this is more because of what the students want out of their education rather than what the professors may want. A lot of students also pursue double majors or have multiple minors because they are trying to create competitive resumes. Students do not compete against each other academically necessarily, but they do work very hard to create the best resume they can.


Classes are hard, but professors do care. And just cause it's a big school doesn't mean that classes will be big - My biggest class is 40 people and my smallest is 5, and I'm only a freshman! Professors are great - I've already been to a professor's house for dinner. The network of ND alumni is great for getting internships and jobs, and Notre Dame students are completely prepared for the real world no matter what their major is.


I have only been in one class larger than 30 students which make individual attention from professors easy to come by. I feel this has greatly added to my education.


Students study a lot here. Most people are very academically-focused. The students are competitive, but not mean about it.


Students are concerned with their grades but they're not competitive against other students. We do have intellectual conversations outside of class.